
Posts Tagged ‘Faith’

Know How to Play the Game

July 12, 2012 Leave a comment

Playing the game of life on Earth is trivial for some of us. There’s a winner and a loser in every game. The Earth has a lot of games to play. Sometimes, it can be a matter of life and death. Some will try striving for their best just to finish and be successful in every game.

Life is full of miserable and happy games. The game itself can be your teacher for your future attempts. You can learn from every game of your life. But sometimes we fail.  That’s why some people attempt suicide. That’s so sad of course! But they don’t remember that it’s just a game of life! It’s just a game!

To be equipped, they have to study and learn the rules, tricks, schemes of the game. There are tests to pass. There are trials to overcome. There are temptations to resist. There are some ideas to memorize.  There are goals to win.  There are missions to make. There are people who become your friends and some become your enemies. But again, remember that it’s just a game of life!

Don’t make your life focusing on these games. You can try but how can you focus on these if there were different kind of games to play. You can not give attention simultaneously to all these games. You can do it one step at a time. You can finish one game, then move to another one. But again, focusing your whole life to these games can ruin your life and make you confused. As a result, you’ll depend on your abilities and tend to make your own move and directions for their solutions. Sometimes you’ll be lost. Some will succeed it but not contented.

As stated before, the game of life is trivial! It has a key to fix this puzzle. The key that will help overcome your anxieties, bless you more, strengthen yourself, and bring your confidence on these games. And what is this key?

Consider your life on earth as a game. This game will test your character. You’ll be playing games that will test your faith. The key for the said puzzle is our Lord Jesus Christ. Just focus your whole life to Him, the rest will be given to you. He will ease your burden and help you play games well. He’s allowing these games of yours just to remember that there is God that you can depend on!